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An Epic Bounce-Back

I wasn't always soft, warm or confident.

Once upon a time, I existed in a state far from what I am today. I faced numerous circumstances that threatened to turn me cold, petty, and miserable, plunging me into deep sadness. However, I made a conscious decision to give depression and run for its money by practicing discipline and diligence and a loving strategy that continually rewards me.

My pain grew to such overwhelming proportions that I finally surrendered. I relinquished control and embarked on a radical journey of transformation. I dared to venture beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone, defying my customary modus operandi. Instead of saying "yes," I began to assertively say "no." Rather than hastily bundling up my hair in a bun, I took the time to meticulously style it. I even started nourishing myself with breakfast, a simple act I had habitually neglected. These seemingly small changes, born from the practice of simply "doing the opposite", yielded remarkable results in my battle against depression and nurturing my lower self.

Surprisingly, it was through these minor adjustments that monumental shifts began to unfold in my life. I discovered that even the tiniest actions can yield profound impacts. In fact, I am confident that we can unearth an abundance of effortless, economical, and enjoyable methods to elevate your existence towards a greater state of equilibrium and flow.

Today, I find myself enveloped in joy, scarcely burdened by stress. Opportunities are constantly finding me, my relationships are authentic and my discernment is sharper than ever.  Throughout my own spiritual awakening, I diligently chronicled my experiences in journals, and now, that wealth of knowledge and tranquility is aiding others on their own journeys. The vast reservoir of wisdom and peace I have gained inspires me to share my stories, discoveries, and insights with you. Together, we can forge a profound connection and embark on a transformative voyage towards a higher self.  

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